There is another shipping line which services Cebu to Bohol route and this is via Clemer Lines.
As of 2019 there are 3 ports of call in Cebu for Clemer Shipping Lines, namely IBO (Pusok), CORDOVA, PIER 1. Then the sole port of call in Bohol is GETAFE. Cebu to Getafe via Clemer is around 2 hours travel time.
These are the daily schedules for this boat transport company serving Bohol to Cebu and vice versa routes.
Ibo , Lapu Lapu City to Getafe, Bohol
Every 6 AM, 9 AM and 3 PM
Getafe to Ibo, Lapu Lapu City
Every 6 AM, 12 NN, and 4 PM
For those asking about byahe sa Pusok, mao na ang IBO route. Book tickets via the booking outlet at the IBO port.
Ticket price Cordova to Getafe and vice versa via Clemer Lines is P170.
Cordova to Getafe
9:30 AM
12 NN
2 PM
3:30 PM
Book tickets via the booking outlet at the Cordova port.
Getafe to Cordova
7 AM
8:40 AM
12 NN
2 PM
Getafe to Pier 1 and vice versa ticket rate is P190.
Pier 1 CEBU to Getafe
6:30 AM
7:30 AM
9 AM
10:30 AM
12 NN
1:30 PM
3 PM
5:50 PM via MV AQUA JET
Getafe Bohol to Cebu (Pier 1)
5 AM
6:15 AM
7 AM
9:30 AM
10:30 AM
12 NN
3 PM
Trip schedule are subject to change without prior notice.
Clemer Lines will transport motorcycles in their IBO and CORDOVA routes. Way sakay motorcycle for the Pier 1 routes. Fee for the motorycle freight is P615, amount already includes 1 person passage. Motorcycle fee updated as of April 2019.
Call the telephone numbers of Clemer Lines and Shipping Lines for any questions at landline (032) 416 1577 or mobile number 0921 365 1175.
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